Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A personalised induction will always be more affective Essay Example for Free

A personalised induction will always be more affective Essay A personalised induction will always be more affective Discuss. Base your answers on theoretical concepts and techniques presented in class This essay will assess the usefulness of personalised inductions in hpnotherapy sessions. As well as taking a look at when a personalised screed is not needed and the many ways there are to assess which style of screed will be most affective. The main body of this essay will focus on the evidence both for and agisnt a personlised screed and attempt to provide a conhertent argument with which the reader can make up their own mind. A hypnotic intuction is the tool used by hypnotherypists in order to aid their clients in achieveing a trance state, it is known that this is harder for some clients to achieve then others, it is generaly accepted that some clients find it almost impossible to reach a trance state through hypnosis (Boys and Karle 2010), the majority of clients are however able to achieve light trance states and deeper. The simple fact that some clients find it easier to achieve hypnosis then other highlights the potential need for personalised inductions, every body is different, we all have different likes and dislikes, personalities and indeed life experiences that make us more responsive to different ques. When in a session with a client the words we use to produce a trance state are vary importent, more so then in a regular conversation, this is due to the fact that the client generally has their eyes closed and is therefore cut off from a great deal of the everyday comunication ques that aid in understanding each other. Body language is considered to make up 55% of human comunication with tone and volume making up 38% and words come in last making up just 7% of comunication. With words making up such a small percentage of how we comunicate with each other, the need for a personalised induction could be seen as vital, a way of taloring the words used so they have more meaning to the client and therefore much more impact. Two of the main types of induction are authoritarian and permissive, they are both vary different and have been shown to be effective in vary different situations with various clients. The authoritarian approch is vary direct and to the point, with the hypnotist playing the role of the authority figure, (Hadley and Staudacher 1996), it is believed that clients that respond best to this style are the ones that respone well to authroity figures in real life, people with a scientific backgrouds tend to respond  well, this style is effective on conditions such as anaxity, it is believed that problems such as this are often caused by an authortain figure in childhood and therefore need another authoratians figure in order to relieve the problem. On the other hand submissive styles tend to invovle the client and therpist as equals, a softer voice is often used and suggestion are offered rather then comands. The use of more guided imagery allows these inductions to be further personlised to suit the clients needs. more imaginative clients respond well to this style and it is perticulary valuabl in aiding clients that wish to achieve certain goals. The fact that these tw o different styles of inducton have been seen to be more affective on different clients and in different situations is strong eviedence for the need for personalised induction. The age of the client also affects which type of style that is used, it could be arued that children, who reach a peak point of suggestablity at around the age of ten(Boys and Karle 2001) may be more responsive to a permissive style due to the fact that choldren tend to be more imaginative then older clients. At the other end of the spectrum suggestablity declines with age so a more authertrian style may be more effective with an older client, it may also be in part to the fact that socialty was different when an older client was growing up with more importence and respect given to people with power and i higher inclination toward conformity (milgram, 1963). A futher way in which it has been therorised to personalise screeds is to use words that are assoiated with the clients modality. There are three main modalities, kinaesthetic, visual and autitory. Kinaesthetic clients are often vary in tune with their feelings and indeed the feelings of others, they enjoy phyical activity and fo r the purposes of hypnotic induction respond better to words that decribe feelings and touching things. It has been observered that poeple with this modality will show a prefence for texture and temperature words. Visual clients tend to be vary imaginative and have a tendency to daydream, they are more concerned with how things look, and for the purposes of hypnotic induction find it easier to visualise things. They use a lot of colour references. Lasty autitory clients are vary in tune with music and speech, anything that can be listened to, they tend to respond to words that relate to music and speech, such as listen and harmony. personalising introductions to suit modalities is a vital tool in aiding clients in their journey into  hypnotic trance, the use of words that relate to the clients primary modality enable them to feel more safe and in control and allow them to more easiely facilitate themsevles in their session, purly due to the fact that the words choosen are ones they relate to more strongly. this is again strong eviendence for the need and power of personalised inductions. However it will now be considered if a personalised induction is always needed or fact sometimes not poss ible. The type of suggestion used is also a way of personalising a screed in order to suit a client. the are two types of suggestion available, the direct suggestion, which is short and too the point and given as more of a comand. This type of suggestion works better with the above mentioned authoritarian induction due to the fact that in these inducton the therpist is seen more as the authority figure and the client is more likley to respond possitivly by doing what the therpist asks. Indirct suggestion are more symbolic and are more suited for the more imagintive clients, they have been found to be vary usefull when resistence is present as they have a way of seeping into the subcousous symbolically, which the subcounsous responds vary well to. One of the most obvious instences when a less personalised induction is needed is during group therapy. this is not desirable for numerous reasons. As we discussed before everybody is different so what may be effective for one client may leave ano ther less then impressed and unable to achieve a satifacory trance state. In these instences a more general induction is required. inductions that are aimed at changing a habbit, such as quit smoking indutions are also more often then not best if they are not personaliesd, this could be due to the fact that changing a habbit is vary differcult work that may require a vary deep trance and often an authorative induction. Another time when a personlised induction is not needed would be for the purposes of hypnosis cds and Tv shows, again this is due to the fact that the hypnotheripist has no contact with the client and is therefore unable to construct a induction that is personalised for them. in the case of TV shows the hypnotist is talking to thousands of people at once, this brings about a need to create an induction that is extreamly general so as to hypnotise the most members of the audience at once. However it could be considered that a kineasthetic induction could be used as this is the modality that the majorty of people have a perference towards, and may well lead to a deeper trance for people  with this modality. is it better to spread word of mouth and gain popularity and notariatly though sucessfully hypnoting more people lightly or less people more sucessfully. There are also a number of induction available in which no verbal comunication are used. these so called non verble hypnotic in duction involve enabling the client into an hypnotic trance through the use of a seris of progressivly changes in posture, with the hypnotherapist moving around the room in front of the client. In order to bring the client back up from this trance the movements are simply reversed, many people claim that these types of inductions are quite effective. it is clear that the used of inductions such as these would not need to be personalised as no words are used, although the positions may need to be altered and it is possible that with certain clients that have a tendenciy to be less suggestable a longer seires of postures may be needed in order to achieve the desired level of trance. this type of induction may be vary usefull when dealing with clients that are hard of hearing or indeed deaf. However it must be considered that this induction could be more affective with clients that are more inclined to the visual modaltiy, and in such the cases the use of a non verble induction could be how the therapist has personalised the induction to suit the clients needs in order to achieve the best state possible in order to faciltate the clients goal. It should be noted that this is always the main aim of hypnotic induction, so the client recieves the best therapy the therpist can offer. In many of the stage shows and TV programs that featur e hypnosis the use of non verble hypnosis is often shown. This is often due to the fact that the perticipants have already been vetted and shown to be highly suggestive, so again this use of non verbal hypnosis could be used highly effectively with suggestable clients. It has become clear that the use of personalised inductions is vast and far reaching. It is also clear that in many cases the use of an induction that has been designed to cater for the clients personality, age, stage in treatment, modality and affliction is indeed a vary important and valuable tool in therapy and can aid in the depth of trance, enjoyment of hypnosis session and overall outcome. However on the other hand it can not be denined that this is not alway needed or indeed possible, group therpy sessions, treatment for addictions and pre recorded hypnotherpy sessions all benifit from a more general induction, however it should be pointed out that the  need for a more general induction is not due to the fact that this type of induction is more affective, more due to the fact that it is not plusable to hypnotise so many different people using a personalised induction at one time. In fact in many cases it could be argued that personalised induction may be more affective, on the flip side the use of group therapy has also been shown to be a valuable tool in the recovery of many disorders, which is more benifial, the personalised induction or the good consil that can be achieved with a group of people with similar problems as your own. It would also be important to note that at the start of a therapists career there will most likly be a perfence of the therapist towards a ccertian a style of induction, this may mean that they use a style that is less personalised and not nessacellaly the best for the client, however confidence is key with hypnotic induction so although the therapist should always indevour to use the best induction it may be more benifial for them to use the style they are most comfortable with. In conclution a personalised induction is the more affective choice in a wide range of cases, particalary in cases when therapy is likey to be more lengthy. however there are indeed times when a more generalised induction is the most effective route. it should be highlighted that both personalised and general inductions are a choice that is made by the client with the intention of delivering the best therapy possible, in this way even a decision to use a general induction could be considered a personalised chioce due to the fact that this is the route that the therapist deems best to take. In short a personalised induction is the most effective method in the vast majority of cases, however there are instences when this is not the case.

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